
Range Finding / LIDAR

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Our detectors are designed for excellence in laser range finding. These systems often utilise the Time-of-Flight (ToF) method of measurement for which our InGaAs avalanche photodiodes (APDs) bring the most value. Their main benefits include low dark current and convinience in implementing in a system due to working voltage far away from the breakdown.

Our products can also be found in geospatial, autonomous and wind LIDARs. We support laser sources with narrow linewidths and high powers (MOPA, DFB), as well as linear output detectors, both avalanche photodiodes for Time-Of-Flight, as well as PIN photodiodes for coherent LIDAR. Our range of optics as well as fibre optical components is specially designed to work well in this application.

We work with our customers in order to achieve the most optimal solution to be a truly value add supplier!

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